
Gilles Deleuze filmelmélete – Válogatott bibliográfia

Gilles Deleuze filmes tárgyú írásai

Cinéma 1. L'image-mouvement. Paris: Minuit, 1983.

angolul: Cinema 1. The Movement-Image. London: Athlone, 1986. (trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam)

magyarul (az első hét fejezet, hiányos jegyzetapparátussal): Film 1. A mozgás-kép. Bp.: Magyar Filmintézet könyvtára. Kézirat. (ford. Török Gábor)

magyarul: Film 1. A mozgás-kép. Bp.: Osiris. (előkészületben) (ford. Kovács András Bálint)

Cinéma 2. L'image-temps. Paris: Minuit, 1985.

angolul: Cinema 2. The Time-Image. London: Athlone, 1989. (trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Robert Galeta)

Le plus grand film irlandais. Revue d'esthétique. (1986) pp. 381-382.

Sur le régime cristallin. Hors Cadre (avril 1986) no. 4. pp. 39-45. Újra kiadva: Doutes sur l'imaginaire. In: Gilles Deleuze: Pourparlers, 1972-1990. Paris: Minuit, 1990. pp. 88-96.

angolul: On the Crystalline Regime. (trans. David Rodowick) Art and Text (Spring 1989) no. 34. pp. 21-27. - Lettre ŕ Serge Daney. Optimisme, Pessimisme et Voyage. Előszó Serge Daney: Ciné-lectures című könyvéhez (Paris: Cahiers du cinéma, 1986.) Újra kiadva In: Gilles Deleuze: Pourparlers, 1972-1990. Paris: Minuit, 1990. pp. 97-112.

Avoir une idée en cinéma. A propos du cinéma des Straub-Huillet. In: Straub, Jean-Marie-Huillet, Daniéle: Hölderlin, Cézanne. Lédignan: Édition Antigone, 1990.

Les trois cercles de Rivette. Cahiers du cinéma (févr. 1989) no. 416.

Le juif riche (Daniel Schmid: L'ombre des anges) Le Monde (18. 2. 1977) Utánnyomás: In: Lambelet, Iréne (ed.): Daniel Schmid. Lausanne: L'âge d'homme, 1982.

Fragment d'un texte inédit. Cahiers du cinéma (dec. 1995) no. 497. p. 28.


Trois questions sur Six fois deux (Godard). Cahiers du cinéma (nov. 1976) no. 271. Újra kiadva In: Gilles Deleuze: Pourparlers, 1972-1990. Paris: Minuit, 1990. pp. 55-66.

La photographie est déja tirée dans les choses. Cahiers du cinéma (oct. 1983) no. 352. pp. 35-40. Újra kiadva: Sur l'image-mouvement. In: Gilles Deleuze: Pourparlers, 1972-1990. Paris: Minuit, 1990. pp. 67-81. ld. összeállításunkban, pp. 26-32.

Cinéma 1, premiére. Libération (3. octobre 1983)

La philosophe et le cinéma. Cinéma (18. dec. 1985) no. 334. Újra kiadva: Sur l'image temps. In: Gilles Deleuze: Pourparlers, 1972-1990. Paris: Minuit, 1990. pp. 82-87.

La cerveau, c'est l'écran. Entretien avec Gilles Deleuze sur L'image-temps. Cahiers du cinéma (mars 1986) no. 381. pp. 25-33.


Agenda: Contemporary Art Magazine (1993) no. 33.

Cahiers du Cinéma, (December 1995) no. 497.

Canadian Review of Comparative Literature. (Brian Massumi ed.) Előkészületben.

Cinema/Studio (1993) no. 7. de Gaetano, Roberto (ed.): Pensare il Cinema/Penser le cinéma. L'image-mouvement et L'image-temps de Gilles Deleuze.

Enigma (1997) no. 13. Előkészületben.

French Review 59 (1985) no. 2.

Iris 23 (Spring 1997) no. 1. Gilles Deleuze. Philosopher of the Image. (David N. Rodowick ed.)

Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 24 (1993) no. 1 . Lendemains 14 (1989) no. 53.

Magazine Littéraire (sept. 1988) no. 257.

Man and World (1996) no. 3.

Revue de la pensée aujourd'hui 12 (9/1984) no. 11. - SubStance 13 (Fall-Winter 1984) nos. 3-4.

SubStance 20 (Winter 1991) no. 3.

Deleuze magyarul

A felsőbb ember: a dialektika ellen. Athenaeum, I/3. (1992) pp. 105-156. (ford. Kovács András Bálint)

Deleuze, Gilles-Guattari, Félix: Mi a filozófia? Nappali ház 5 (1993) no. 4. pp. 59-65. (ford. Pörczi Zsuzsanna, Takács Ádám)

Egy kiáltvánnyal kevesebb. Gondolat-Jel (1994) nos. 1-2. pp. 73-87. (ford. Joó Vera, Ivacs Ágnes)

Egy filozófiai fogalom. Pompeji 5 (1994) nos. 1-2. pp. 229-231. (ford. Farkas Anikó)

A filozófiáról. Pompeji 5 (1994) no. 4. pp. 155-172. (ford. Chazár Keresztély)

A skizofrén és a nyelv. Felszín és mélység Lewis Carroll és Antonin Artaud írásaiban. Helikon 41 (1995) nos. 1-2. pp. 80-93. (ford. Hódossy Annamária)

Francis Bacon, az érzékelés logikája. Enigma (1995) no. 3. pp. 30-52. (ford. Babarczy Eszter, Vajdovich Györgyi)

Deleuze, Gilles-Guattari, Félix: Kafka. Enigma (1996) no. 2. (ford. Tótfalusi Ágnes) pp. 96-105.

Deleuze, Gilles-Guattari, Félix: Rizóma. Ex Simposion (1997) nos. 15-16. pp. 1-17.

Gilles Deleuze: Cinéma 1–2. Válogatott bibliográfia

Abbas, Achbar: Review of Gilles Deleuze: Cinema 1. Movement-Image, Cinema 2. Time-Image. Discourse 14 (Summer 1992) no. 3.

Alliez, Eric: La signature du monde on Qu'est-ce que la philosophie de Deleuze et Guattari. Paris: Cerf, 1993.

Ansell-Pearson, Keith: Deleuze and Philosophy. The Difference Engine. London: Routledge, 1997.

Badiou, Alain: Zwei Briefe an Gilles Deleuze, In: Balke, Friedrich-Vogl, Joseph (eds.): Gilles Deleuze - Fluchtlinien der Philosophie. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1996. pp. 243-251.

Beasley-Murray, Jon: Whatever Happened to Neorealism? Bazin, Deleuze, and Tarkovsky's Long Take. Iris 23 (Spring 1997) no. 1. subs/listservs/spoons/seminar-10.archive/papers/baztardeleuze.jbm

Bell, Jeffrey A.: Phenomenology, Poststructuralism, and the Cinema of Time. Film and Philosophy 2 (1995)

Bell, Jeffrey A.: Response to Jonathan Beller's Essay, "Cinema, Capital of the Twentieth Century". Postmodern Culture 5 (September 1994) no. 1.

Beller, Jonathan: Cinema, Capital of the Twentieth Century. Postmodern Culture 4 (May 1994) no. 3.

Bellour, Raymond-Rowe, Alison-Lyon, Elisabeth: The Film Stilled. Camera Obscura (Sept. 1990) no. 24. pp. 98-123.

Bensmaia, Réda: Gilles Deleuze ou comment devenir un Stalker en philosophie? Lendemains 14 (1989) no. 53. pp. 7-8.

Bensmaia, Réda: Un philosophe au cinéma. Magazine Littéraire (9/1988) no. 257. pp. 57-59.

Bensmaia, Réda: Les transformateurs-Deleuze ou le cinéma comme automate spirituel. In: de Gaetano, Roberto (ed.): Pensare il Cinema/Penser le cinéma. L'image-mouvement et L'image-temps de Gilles Deleuze. Cinema/Studio (1993) no. 7.

Bindé, Jérome: Deleuze va au cinéma. Le Nouvel Observateur (10/1983) no. 989.

Bogue, Ronald: Word, Image and Sound. The Non-Representational Semiotics of Gilles Deleuze. In: Bogue, Ronald (ed.): Mimesis in Contemporary Theory. The Interdisciplinary Approach. 2. Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1991. pp. 77-97.

Bogue, Ronald: Gilles Deleuze: The Aesthetics of Force. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 24 (January 1993) no. 1. pp. 56-65.

Bogue, Ronald: Deleuze: Postmodern Philosopher? Criticism 34 (1990) no. 4.

Bonitzer, Pascal: Dictionnaire sans foi ni loi: Deleuze. Cahiers du cinéma (6/1988) no. 325. p. 115.

Bontemps, Jacques: Le Philosophe et le cinéma. In: Le Matin (1983) 25. oct. p. 29.

Boundas, Constantin V.-Olkowski, Dorothea (eds.): Gilles Deleuze and the Theater of Philosophy. London: Routledge, 1994.

Boundas, Constantin V.: The Theory of Difference of Gilles Deleuze. (Unpublished: UMI Dissertation Services) pp. 155-180.

Boundas, Constantin V.: The Foreclosure of the Other Form. From Sartre to Deleuze. The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 24 (1993) no. 1. pp. 32-43.

Boyce, Michael (m-angle-angel): "The Cinemachine". é.n.

Braidotti, Rosi: Discontinuing Becomings. Deleuze on the Becoming-Woman of Philosophy. The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 24 (1993) no. 1. pp. 44-55.

Broadhurst, Joan (ed.): Deleuze and the Transcendental Unconscious. Coventry: Warwick University Press, 1992.

Butler, Alison: New Film Histories and the Politics of Location. Screen 33 (1992) no. 4. pp. 413-426.

Buydens, M.: Sahara, l'esthétique de Gilles Deleuze. Paris: Vrin, 1990.

Canning, Peter: The Crack of Time and the Ideal Game. In: Boundas, Constantin-Olkowski, Dorot-hea (eds.): Deleuze and the Theater of Philosophy. New York/London: Routledge, 1994. pp. 73-98.

Caron, Didier: The Cinéma expérimental: une ignorance entretenue. Critique (7/1986) nos. 469-470 pp. 678-691.

Casetti, Francesco-Ghislotti, S.: Lo scenario france-se. Bianco e Nero 46 (Oct-Dec. 1985) no. 4. pp. 88-105.

Chalumeau, Jean-Luc: L'agonie de la philosophie: Revanche de l'image. Opus International (5/1974) no. 50 pp. 76-77.

Cook, Robert W.: Deterritorialization and the Object: Deleuze across Cinema. é.n.

Daney, Serge: Nos amies les images. In: Libération, (1983) 3. oct. p. 31.

de Gaetano, Roberto: Une géographie du cinéma. In: de Gaetano, Roberto (ed.): Pensare il Cinema/Penser le cinéma. L'image-mouvement et L'image-temps de Gilles Deleuze. Cinema/Studio (1993) no. 7.

de Gaetano, Roberto: A New "Image"of the Cinema. Researches Semiotique/Semiotic Inquiry 13 (1993) nos. 1-2. pp. 189-194.

Delco di Bellinzona, Alessandro: Deleuze. Dalla metafisica della copia alla teoria del simulacro. Rivista di Estetica 18 (1988) no. 30. pp. 54-63.

Dienst, Richard: Still Life in Real Time. Theory After Television. Durham: Duke University Press, 1994.

Dimenberg, Edward: The Grand Deleuzian Fog. A Review of Cinema 1. The Movement-Image by Gilles Deleuze. Canadian-American Slavic Studies 22 (1988) nos. 1-4. pp. 199-209.

Douglass, Paul: Deleuze and the Endurance of Bergson. Thought 67 (March 1992) no. 264. pp. 47-61.

Douglass, Paul: Deleuze's Bergson. Bergson Redux. In: Burwick, Frederick and Douglass, Paul (eds.): The Crisis in Modernism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Eribon, Didier: Revue de Cinéma 2. L'image-temps. Le Nouvel Observateur (1985)

Frampton, Daniel: On Deleuze's Cinema. July 1991. @gopher:jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU:70/00/pubs/listservs/spoons/seminar-10.archive/papers/frampton.txt

François, Alain: Beschreibung, Redundanz und indirekte Rede bei Gilles Deleuze. In: Balke, Friedrich-Vogl, Joseph (eds.): Gilles Deleuze - Fluchtlinien der Philosophie. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1996. pp. 276-286.

Gieri, M.: Character and Discourse from Pirandello to Fellini: Defining a Counter-tradition in the Italien Context. Quaderni d'Italianistica 13 (1992) no. 1. pp. 43-55.

Goodchild, Philip: Deleuze and Guattari. An Introduc-tion to the Politics of Desire. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage, előkészületben.

Goodchild, Philip: Gilles Deleuze and the Question of Philosophy. Oak Ridge, Tenessee: Associated University Press, 1996.

Gordon, Colin: As Time Goes By and By. New Statesman (1986) 8. Aug. pp. 27-28.

Greisch, Jean: Les Métamorphoses de la narrativité. Le récit de fiction selon Paul Ricur et le cinéma selon Gilles Deleuze. Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 69 (jan. 1985) no. 1. pp. 87-100.

Guattari, Félix: Cinematic Desiring-Machines. (trans. Jon Anderson and Gary Hentzi) Critical Texts 3 (Aug. 1985) no. 1. pp. 3-9.

Hardt, Michael: Gilles Deleuze. An Apprentice in Philosophy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.

Harris, Paul A.: Fractal Faulkner. Scaling Time in Go Down, Moses. Poetics Today 14 (Winter 1993) no. 4. pp. 625-651.

Heinrich, Richard: Entwicklung des Films im Denken.

Hesper, Stefan: Kristalle des Lebens. Ein Motiv des Vitalismus in Literatur und Philosophie. In: Balke, Friedrich-Vogl, Joseph (eds.): Gilles Deleuze - Fluchtlinien der Philosophie. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1996. pp. 287-303.

Hesper, Stefan: Kristalle der Zeit. Zur Anachronie der Wahrnehmung bei David Hockney und Gilles Deleuze. In: Stöhr, Jürgen (ed.): Ästhetische Erfahrung heute. Köln: DuMont, 1996. pp. 126-147.

Hoesterey, Ingeborg and Stringer, Julian (eds.): Postmodern Film. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, előkészületben.

Holbert, Tom: Bewegung der Suspension. Zum Verhältnis von Welt und Film bei Gilles Deleuze. In: Balke, Friedrich-Vogl, Joseph (eds.): Gilles Deleuze - Fluchtlinien der Philosophie. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1996. pp. 266-275.

Hudson, Jane W.: 'Cybervamp'. 1993. @http:www.

Hutchings, Peter: Through a Fishwife's Eye. Between Benjamin and Deleuze on the Timely Image. In: Smith, Terry: Power Lectures 2. Sydney: Power Institute Publications, 1997.

Jamieson, Dale and Barbara, James: Deleuze, Gilles: Cinema 1. The Movement-Image. Journal of Aesthe-tics and Art Criticism 46 (Spring 1988) no. 3. pp. 436-437.

Jardine, Alice A.: Woman in Limbo. Deleuze and His Br(others). SubStance 13 (1984) nos. 3-4. pp. 46-60.

Jayamanne, Laleen: Life is a Dream. In: Jayamanne, Laleen (ed.): Kiss Me Deadly. Feminism and Cine-ma for the Moment. Sydney: Power Institute Publications, 1995.

Jeffers, Jennifer: The Image of Thought: Achromatics in O'Keefe and Beckett. Mosaic 29 (Dec. 1996) no. 459.

Keller, Ed: Cinematic Thresholds: Instrumentality, Time and Memory in the Virtual. 1995. @http:

Lecercle, Jean-Jacques: Berkeley: Bishop or Busby? Deleuze on Cinema. In: Benjamin, Andrew-Osbourne, Peter (eds.): Thinking Art. Beyond Traditional Aesthetics. London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1991.

Lenglet, Roger: La cinésophie de Gilles Deleuze. Revue d'Esthétiques (1986) no. 10. pp. 185-195.

Leutrat, Jean-Louis: Deux temps, deux mouvements. Lendemains 14 (1989) no. 53. pp. 48-54.

Macherey, Pierre: Foucault avec Deleuze. Le retour éter-nel du vrai. Revue de Synthése (1987) pp. 277-285.

Marks, John: Gilles Deleuze. Vitalism and Multiplicity. London: Pluto, 1996.

Marks, Laura U.: A Deleuzian Politics of Hybrid Cine-ma. Screen 35 (Autumn 1994) no. 3. pp. 244-264.

Martin, Jean-Clet: Variations: la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze. Paris: Payot, 1993.

May, Todd: Difference and Unity in Gilles Deleuze. In: Boundas, Constantin-Olkowski, Dorothea (eds.): Deleuze and the Theater of Philosophy. New York/London: Routledge, 1994. pp. 33-50.

Melehy, Hassan: Images Without. Deleuzian Becoming, Science Fiction Cinema in the Eighties. Postmodern Culture 5 (January, 1995) no. 2. @http:jefferson.

Ménil, Alain: Deleuze et le "bergsonisme du cinéma". Philosophie. Revue trimestrielle (9/1995) no. 47. pp. 28-52.

Miyabayashi, Ken: On Crystals of Time. InterCommunication (Spring 1993) no. 4.

Morrison, James: Deleuze and Film Semiotics. Semiotica 88 (1992) nos. 3-4. pp. 269-290. ld. összeállításunkban pp. 52-65.

Murrey, Timothy (ed.): Mimesis, Masochism and Mime: The Politics of Theatricality in Contemporary French Thought. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997.

Norton, Theordore Mills: Lines of Flight. Gilles Deleuze, or the political science fiction. New Poli-tical Science (Summer 1986) no. 15. pp. 77-93.

O'Connell, Stephen: Detective Deleuze and the Case of Slippery Signs. é.n.

Paradis, Bruno: Schémas du temps et philosophie transcendentale. In: de Gaetano, Roberto (ed.): Pensare il Cinema/Penser le cinéma. L'image-mouvement et L'image-temps de Gilles Deleuze. Cinema/Studio (1993) no. 7.

Paradis, Bruno-Passerone, Giorgio: Cinema secondo Deleuze. Alfabeta 6 (June 1984) no. 61. pp. 34-35.

Patton, Paul: Godard/Deleuze: Sauve qui peut (La vie) Frogger (1986) no. 20. -lists/film-philosophy/files/papers.patton.html

Patton, Paul: Review of Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 1. The Movement-Image and Cinema 2. The Time-Image. Screen 32 (1991) no. 2.

Patton, Paul: Deleuze. A Critical Reader. New York: Blackwell, 1996.

Pendleton, David: Beyond Subject and Object. paper presented at the Society for Cinema Studies conference. Syracuse, 1994.

Phillips, Christopher: Between Pictures. Art in America 79 (November 1991) no. 11.

Polan, Dana B.: Powers of Vision, Visions of Power. Camera Obscura (1988) no. 18. pp. 106-119.

Polan, Dana: Cinéma 1. L'Image-mouvement. Film Quaterly 18 (1984) no. 1. pp. 50-52.

Potter, Russell A.: Edward Schizohands. The Postmodern Gothic Body. Postmodern Culture 2 (May 1992) no. 3. @http:jefferson.village.virginia. edu/pmc/issue.592/potter.592.

Reader, Keith: The Scene of Action is Different. Screen 28 (Summer 1987) no. 3. pp. 98-102.

Rodowick, David N.: Reading the Figural. Camera Obscura (September 1990) no. 24.

Rodowick, David N.: Gilles Deleuze's Time-Machine. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.

Rodowick, David N.: A Short History of Cinema. é.n. A Gilles Deleuze's Time-Machine című könyv első fejezete. ld. összeállításunkban pp. 34-43.

Ropars-Wuilleumier, Marie-Claire: The Cinema. Reader of Gilles Deleuze. Camera Obscura (1988) no. 18. pp. 120-126.

Ruby, Christian: Les Archipels de la différence. Foucault -Derrida-Deleuze-Lyotard. Paris: Felin, 1989.

Ruiter, J. E.: Deleuze & Neerpelt. Skrien (Sept-Okt. 1989) no. 168. pp. 43-44.

Scale, A.: Signes de temps. In: de Gaetano, Roberto (ed.): Pensare il Cinema/Penser le cinéma. L'image-mouvement et L'image-temps de Gilles Deleuze. Cinema/Studio (1993) no. 7.

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes: Theater in den Innenräumen des Denkens. Gilles Deleuze als Philosophiehistoriker. In: Balke, Friedrich-Vogl, Joseph (eds.): Gilles Deleuze - Fluchtlinien der Philosophie. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1996. pp. 103-126.

Schwartz, Louis: Deleuze/Cinema/Nation/Author. é.n.

Shaviro, Steven: The Cinematic Body. Theory out of Bounds 2. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.

Studlar, Gaylyn: Masochism an the Perverse Pleasures of the Cinema. In: Nichols, B. (ed.): Movies and Methods 2. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. pp. 602-621.

Studlar, Gaylyn: De-Territorial Imperative. Review of Cinema 1. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 12 (1990) no. 3. pp. 103-106.

Thiher, Allen: Review of "Cinéma 2. L'image-temps". The French Review 61 (April 1988) no. 5. pp. 821-822.

Toole, David: Of lingering eyes and talking things. Deleuze and Adorno on philosophy since Auschwitz. Philosophy Today 37 (Fall 1993) no. 3. pp. 227-246.

Turetzky, Philip: Televisual Bodies. Television and the Impulse Image. In: Sharrett, J. (ed.): Crisis Cinema. The Apocalyptic Idea in Postmodern Narrative Film. Washington D. C.: Maisonneuve Press, 1993.

Turim, Maureen: Gilles Deleuze: Cinema 1. The Movement-Image. International Studies in Philo-sophy 23 (1991) no. 3. pp. 102-105.

Vogl, Joseph: Schöne gelbe Farbe. Godard mit Deleuze. In: Balke, Friedrich-Vogl, Joseph (eds.): Gilles Deleuze Fluchtlinien der Philosophie. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1996. pp. 252-265.

Ward, David: Unfolding the Image. Gilles Deleuze and Film Theory. New Observations (Jan. 1996)

Weber, Sebastian: Cinéma von Gilles Deleuze. Merkur (1988) no. 42. pp. 418-424.

Welchmann, John (ed.): Rethinking Borders. Minne-apolis: University of Minnesota Press, előkészületben.

Zavadil, Alexandre: Deleuze ou la mort en detail. Lendemains 14 (1989) no. 53. pp. 10-17.

Zourabichvili, François: Deleuze: le négativ destitué. Magazine Littéraire (april 1992) no. 298. pp. 85-87.

Köszönet Daniel Framptonnak (British Film Institute, London) és Mirjam Schaubnak (Berlin) a bibliográfia összeállításához nyújtott segítségéért.



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