
Trauma, emlékezet, dokumentumfilm – Válogatott bibliográfia

Tanulmányok, cikkek, könyvrészletek

Ashuri, Tamar: I Witness: Re-presenting Trauma in and by Cinema. The Communication Review 13 (2010) no. 3. pp. 171–192.

Austin, Guy: Trauma in Recent Algerian Documentary Cinema: Stories of Living Conflict Told by the Living Dead. In: Hodgin, Nick – Amit Thakkar (eds.): Scars and Wounds: Film and Legacies of Trauma. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Biressi, Anita: Inside/out: Private Trauma and Public Knowledge in True Crime Documentary. Screen 45 (2004) no. 4. pp. 401–412.

Craps, Stef: Conjuring Trauma: The Naudet Brothers’ 9/11 Documentary. Canadian Review of American Studies 37 (2007) no. 2. pp. 183–204.

Czirják Pál: Elbeszéléskényszer: dokumentumfilm és a történelmi emlékezet konsturálása. Adalékok a történelmi dokumentumfilm és az oral history módszereinek összevetéséhez. Replika 58 (2007) no. 9. pp. 91–119

Daniels-Yeomans, Finn: Trauma, Affect and the Documentary Image: Towards a Nonrepresentational Approach. Studies in Documentary Film 11 (2017) no. 2. pp. 85–103.

Dokotum, Okaka Opio: Trauma Aesthetics in War Documentaries about the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda. Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies 1 (2014) nos. 1–2. pp. 7–16.

Feldman, Allen: Faux Documentary and the Memory of Realism. American Anthropologist 100 (1998) no. 2. pp. 494–502.

Friedlander, Saul: Trauma, Transference and “Working through” in Writing the History of the “Shoah”. History and Memory 4 (1992). no. 1. pp. 39–59.

Győri Zsolt: Traumák, áldozatok és túélők. A Krónika emlékezetpolitikai olvasata. In: Pintér Judit (ed.): Pro Patria: Sára 80. Budapest: MMA, 2014. pp. 353–363.

Gutiérrez-Albilla, Julián Daniel: Children of Exile: Trauma, Memory and Testimony in Jaime Camino’s Documentary Los niños de Rusia (2001). In: Davies, Ann (ed.): Spain on Screen. Developments in Contemporary Spanish Cinema. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. pp. 129–150.

Hirsch, Joshua: Posttraumatic Cinema and the Holocaust Documentary. Film&History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies 32 (2002) no. 1. pp. 9–21.

Hirsch, Joshua: Night and Fog and Posttraumatic Cinema. In: Pollock, Griselda – Max Silverman (eds.): Concentrationary Cinema: Aesthetics as Political Resistance in Alain Resnais’s Night and Fog (1955). New York: Berghahn Books, 2011. pp. 183–198.

Kaplan, E. Ann: Global Trauma and Public Feelings: Viewing Images of Catastrophe. Consumption, Markets and Culture 11 (2008) no. 1. pp. 3–24.

Khader, Jamil: After Tantura/after Auschwitz: Trauma, Postcoloniality and the (Un)writing of the Nakbah in the Documentary Film Paradise Lost. Journal of Postcolonial Writing 44 (2008) no. 4. pp. 355–365.

Kraemer, Joseph A.: Waltz with Bashir (2008): Trauma and Representation in the Animated Documentary. Journal of Film and Video 67 (2015). nos. 3–4. pp. 57–68.

Lazzara, Michael J.: Filming Loss: (Post-) Memory, Subjectivity, and the Performance of Failure in Recent Argentine Documentary Films. Latin American Perspectives 36 (2009) no. 5. pp. 147–157.

Lucas, Martin: Documentary: Trauma and the Ethics of Knowledge. Post Script 36 (2017) nos. 2–3. pp. 98–116.

Marx, Lesley: ‘Cinema, glamour, atrocity’: Narratives of Trauma. Social Dynamics 32 (2006) no. 2. pp. 22–49.

Mansfield, Natasha Jane: Loss and Mourning: Cinema’s ‘Language’ of Trauma in Waltz with BashirWide Screen 2 (2010) no. 1. pp. 1–13.

Melzer, Kym: Vicarious Trauma and Emotion Work in Documentary Filmmaking. Studies in Documentary Film 13 (2018) no.1. pp. 1–15.

Morag, Raya: The Living Body and the Corpse. Israeli Documentary Cinema and the Intifadah. Journal of Film and Video 60 (2008) no. 3–4. pp. 3–24.

Morag, Raya: Perpetrator Trauma and Current Israeli Documentary Cinema. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies27 (2012) no. 2. pp. 93–133.

Murai András – Tóth Eszter Zsófia: Hogyan képzeljük el? A holokauszt emlékezte és a helyszín rekonstrukciója dokumentumfilmekben. Korall (2010) no. 41. pp. 81–96.

Nichols, Bill: Waltzing with Bashir: Perpetrator Trauma and Cinema. Studies in Documentary Film 8 (2014) no. 1. pp. 81–85.

Nichols, Bill: Documentary Reenactment and the Fantasmatic subject. Critical Inquiry 35 (2008) no. 1. pp. 72–89.

Pinchevski, Amit: The Audiovisual Unconscious: Media and Trauma in the Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies.Critical Inquiry 39 (2012) no. 1. pp. 142–166.

Pollock, Griselda: Aesthetic Wit(h)nessing in the Era of Trauma. EurAmerica: A Journal of European and American Studies 40 (2010) no. 4. pp. 829–886.

Sayad, Cecilia: Narrative, Visibility, and Trauma in Bus 174. In: Navarro, Vinicius –Juan Carlos Rodríguez (eds.): New Documentaries in Latin America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. pp. 91–105.

Smaill, Belinda: Diasporic Subjectivity in Contemporary Australian Documentary: Travel, History and the Televisual Representation of Trauma. Continuum 20 (2006) no. 2. pp. 269–283.

Smaill, Belinda: Injured Identities: Pain, Politics and Documentary. Studies in Documentary Film 1 (2007) no. 2. pp. 151–163.

Spence, Louise – Aslı Kotaman Avcı: The Talking Witness Documentary: Remembrance and the Politics of Truth. Rethinking History 17 (2013) no. 3. pp. 295–311.

Stőhr Lóránt: Inside Job: First-person Documentary in Trauma Cinema: Balkan Champion (2006). Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication 15 (2014) no. 24. pp. 5–18.

Stőhr Lóránt: Feltépett sebek. Önreflexivitás a kollektív traumák dokumentumfilmes feldolgozásában. Médiakutató (2011) ősz:

Szász Anna Lujza: „Amikor minket összeszedtek, fényképeztek. ... És én [ezt a képet] őtőle vettem el, ezelőtt tizenöt, tizenhat éve.” A roma holokauszt filmnyelvi elbeszélései. Apertúra (2014) Nyár/ősz:

Traverso, Antonio: Dictatorship Memories: Working through Trauma in Chilean Post-dictatorship Documentary. Continuum 24 (2010) no. 1. pp. 179–191.

Udvarnoky Virág: Történelem és emlékezet dokumentumfilmben. Metropolis (2004) no. 2. pp. 50–56.

Yau, Esther: Film and Digital Video as Testimony of Chinese Modernity: Trauma, History and Writing. Cinema Journal 50 (2010) no. 1. pp. 154–162.

Yosef, Raz: War Fantasies: Memory, Trauma and Ethics in Ari Folman’s Waltz with BashirJournal of Modern Jewish Studies 9 (2010) no. 3. pp. 311–326.

Vass Éva: Az emlékezés terei. Tabuk és titkok Ember Judit dokumentumfilmjeiben. Kultúra és Közösség (2015) no. 4. pp. 33–39.

Walker, Janet: The Traumatic Paradox: Documentary Films, Historical Fictions, and Cataclysmic Past Events. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 22 (1997) no. 4. pp. 803–825.

Walker, Janet: The Traumatic Paradox: Autobiographical Documentary and the Psychology of Memory. In: Hodgkin, Katharine – Radstone, Sussanah (eds.): Contested Pasts. New York: Routledge, 2003. pp. 117–132.

Walker, Janet: Testimony in the Umbra of Trauma: Film and Video Portraits of Survival. Studies in Documentary Film 1 (2007) no. 2. pp. 91–104.

Waterson, Roxana: Trajectories of Memory: Documentary Film and the Transmission of Testimony. History and Anthropology 18 (2007) no. 1. pp. 51–73.


Kékesi, Zoltán: Agents of Liberation: Holocaust Memory in Contemporary Art and Film Documentary. New York – Budapest: Central European University Press – Helena History Press, 2015.

Meek, Allen: Trauma and Media: Theories, Histories, and Images. New York: Routledge, 2011.

Morag, Raya: Waltzing with Bashir: Perpetrator Trauma and Cinema. London – New York: IB Tauris, 2013.

Sarkar, Bhaskar – Walker, Janet (eds.): Documentary Testimonies: Global Archives of Suffering. New York – London: Routledge, 2009.

Sárközy Réka: Kinek a történelme? Emlékezet, politika, dokumentumfilm. Budapest: Gondolat – Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 2018.

Ten Brink, Joram – Joshua Oppenheimer (eds.): Killer Images. Documentary Film, Memory and The Performance of Violence. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012.

Walker, Janet: Trauma Cinema: Documenting Incest and the Holocaust. Berkeley – Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2005. [Első fejezete magyarul: Walker, Janet: Katasztrófa, reprezentáció és az emlékezet hányattatásai (trans. Lénárd-Bella Dorina). //Metropolis// (2018) no. 1. pp. 8–29.]




Szerkesztőbizottság: Bíró Yvette / Gelencsér Gábor / Hirsch Tibor / Kovács András Bálint • Szerkesztik: Margitházi Beja / Vajdovich Györgyi / Varga Balázs / Vincze Teréz
Felelős szerkesztő: Vajdovich Györgyi Szerkesztőségi munkatárs: Jordán Helén A weboldal Magazin rovatát szerkeszti: Milojev-Ferkó Zsanett

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