Könyvek, tanulmánykötetek, folyóirat-összeállítások
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Tanulmányok, cikkek, filmelemzések
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Goldmark, Daniel: Pixar and the Animated Soundtrack. In: Gorbman, Caludia – Richardson, John – Vernallis, Carol (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics. Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. pp. 213–226.
Gorbman, Claudia: Narrative Film Music. Yale French Studies (1980) no. 60. pp. 183–203.
Jordan, Randolph: Audiovisual Ecology in the Cinema. Cinephile 6 (Spring 2010) no. 1. pp. 25–32.
Kara, Selmin: The Sonic Summons. Meditations on Nature and Anempathetic Sound in Digital Documentaries. In: Herzog, Amy – Richardson, John – Vernallis, Carol (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media. Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. pp. 582–597.
Kassabian, Anahid: The End of Diegesis As We Know It? In: Gorbman, Caludia – Richardson, John – Vernallis, Carol (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics. Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. pp. 89–106.
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Metz, Christian: Aural Objects. In: Belton, John – Weis, Elisabeth (eds.): Film Sound: Theory and Practice. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985. pp. 154–161.
Neumeyer, David: Diegetic/Nondiegetic: A Theoretical Model. Music and the Moving Image 2 (Spring 2009) no. 1. pp. 26–39.
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Percheron, Daniel: Sound in Cinema and its Relationship to Image and Diegesis. Yale French Studies (1980) no. 60. pp. 16–23.
Smith, Jeff: The Sound of Intensified Continuity. In: Gorbman, Caludia – Richardson, John – Vernallis, Carol (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics. Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. pp. 331–356.
Spring, Katherine: Walk This Way: The Pedagogical Value of Soundwalking to the Study of Film Sound. Music and the Moving Image 5 (Summer 2012) no. 2. pp. 34–42.
Vincze Teréz:A lelkiismeret hangja. Hang és haptikus érzékelés a Saul fia című filmben.Metropolis 19 (2015) no. 2. pp. 58–69.
Walus, Bartlomiej P.: Modular Structures in Film Music: The Answer to Synchronization Problems? The Journal of Film Music 4 (2011) no. 2. pp. 125–154.
Whittington, William: Lost in Sensation: Reevaluating the Role of Cinematic Sound in the Digital Age. In: Herzog, Amy – Richardson, John – Vernallis, Carol (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media. Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. pp. 61–74.
Wierzbicki, James: Soundtrack ‘Design’ in Hitchcock’s Thriller Sextet. The New Soundtrack 1 (2011) no. 2. pp. 157–175.
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Wright, Benjamin: What Do We Hear? The Pluralism of Sound Design in Hollywood Sound Production. The New Soundtrack 3 (Fall 2013) no. 2. pp. 137–157.
Zentay Nóra Fanni: A kép-hang aszinkronitás tendenciái a késõmodernista filmben.Metropolis 19 (2015) no. 2. pp. 34–56.
Bibliográfiai esszé
Stilwel, Robynn J.: Music in Films: A Critical Review of Literature, 1980–1996. The Journal of Film Music 1 (2002) no. 1. pp. 19–61.
Online bibliográfiák